SolMed App

SolMed is an iOS application that houses Black Cat & Co. meditation recordings.

The app is free to download and contains several free meditation recordings.

There is a Shop section that allows you to purchase and download other recordings to your device - so that you don't need to maintain an internet connection while listening.

New meditation recordings typically become available once per month. A subscription service is there to make sure you don't miss a new recording. Under the subscription service, all of the recordings become available free of charge.

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Please be aware:

These meditations do not replace one-on-one counselling.

Please contact your local mental health practitioner if you require professional help.

For best results, please listen to these meditations for 28 consecutive nights to successfully create new neural pathways. These meditations are designed to be listened to before you go to bed. Please do not listen to these meditations while driving, operating heavy machinery or performing any other task that requires your conscious attention.

Key to Truth and Light

I don’t know if you know the song by Aerosmith called Amazing. It has inspired me to pick myself up, dust myself off and sort myself out during some of the darkest times in my life.

This meditation is about finding your moment of truth and light – bringing on the arrival of that moment when you know it will all be all right, in the end. And, perhaps, reminding you that the light at the end of that tunnel could very well be you.

Valentine's Day Special (FREE in App) - Attract Your Tribe

This channel has lately been dealing with some serious cosmic matters. So this meditation is a little bit of light-hearted fun… or not. Just as you choose. The native peoples of various lands tend to represent the wolves as the balancers and protectors of the ecosystem – the ones who keep order, weed out those that are unfit, clean up the mess left behind by nature itself. They are said to be fair, strong, free and loyal to those they love.

A more modern interpretation came from the Middle Ages when humans started to keep cattle around the wooded areas. All of a sudden, we started hearing the stories of Little Red Riding Hood. The bloodthirst and the hunger.

An old Cherokee legend speaks of a shaman who used to say that he had two wolves inside of him – a black one and a white one. The black one represented the darkness and the evil thoughts. The white one represented all the love and peace within him. And they were in a constant battle for dominance. Which one would win, you may ask? The one we feed, the old man used to answer.

The first full moon of the year was known as the Wolf Moon. It is now hypothesised that it was known as the wolf moon because wolves howled a lot more in January, when the food was less plentiful in the northern hemisphere and the wolves were getting together to hunt together, gathering their strength in numbers.

A more romantic story, though, is about a wolf who was in love with the Moon. Their love was so perfect and all-encompassing that the sky became jealous of their union and tricked the wolf into abandoning the Moon for a few nights, supposedly in search of a perfect gift for her. The Moon, left on her own for a while, and knowing nothing of what was happening, thought the wolf had forgotten her, and left to be sad in the privacy of the dark sky, coming out for 3 nights every month, in hopes of seeing her wolf again one day. Since then, whenever the sky is lit up by the moon, the wolf howls to attract her attention.

Science tells us that wolves howl for a few different reasons – mostly in order to communicate with their pack, to attract a mate, or to express an emotion.

This meditation is for all you lonely hearts out there… I invite you all to find the inner wolf, step out into the cool night and howl at the top of your lungs – to attract the freedom and companionship of your tribe, a stalwart friendship of a true friend, a hearth of the true family you can and want to belong to, a love of a true companion.

Dragonfly - Move Past Your Limitations

The dragonfly is a marvellous iridescent creation of nature. It has it’s own sparkle, and it also reflects the sparkle around it. It is fast, strong, and agile – both physically and strategically. It lives most of it’s life as a nymph before emerging into the insect we marvel at during the warm summer afternoons. It can see 360 degrees around itself, and it can cross oceans in order to get to where it needs to be.

If you find yourself ready to immerse yourself in life and live in the moment, if you believe you have achieved the emotional maturity and depth required for this journey, if you are ready to see past the illusions and go past limitations, I invite you, in this meditation, to become the Dragonfly, for just a little while. And to experience it’s power, speed, drive, concentration and ultimate freedom.

Third Eye Chakra - Vision Quest

Vision is one of the most important senses for us as humans in the current evolutionary cycle. As the light from the sun bounces off the objects in our world, our two eyes take the colour, the shape and the movement in, and pass that information onto our brain, which then makes meaning of what we see and decides what, if anything, we are to do about what we see.

And if you believe such things, we can make up images of our desired future in our mind’s eye. And if we do that with enough fervour and conviction, we can make that future come to pass, simply by directing our brain towards the thing that we desire.

The third eye allows us to see and recognise patterns in the world around us. It allows us to see symbolically, archetypally… It allows us to recognise that most things we see now, we have seen before, perhaps in a different manifestation. It’s all same-same, but different.

When our third-eye is not functioning correctly, we are plagued by illusions. We see patterns where none are. And we ignore patterns that we should see. As a result, our map of the world does not reflect the reality around us. We don’t know where we are. And we do not know where we want to go. And we get lost. Imagine trying to traverse India with the map for Africa. Equally, imagine getting into your car, and starting to drive without knowing where you’d like to arrive. Will you get someplace you want to be that way? Who knows…

A well-functioning third eye allows us to see things as they are, to recognise the patterns around us, and to direct our actions towards the goals that are true, authentic, and right for us, using our own innate magic. It is a unification of Ying and Yang. The divine feminine and masculine energies. Venus and Mars. Shakti and Shiva. The High Priestess and the Magician.

Clearing the Third Eye Chakra may bring up issues around invalidation and ugly or frightening early environments.

To aid in this healing process, helpful practices involve creating visual art, looking at things that are pleasant to look at, and Dreamwork.

Heaven In a Wild Flower

To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour.

............................................. - William Blake

Often we walk the world with our eyes half closed – we walk past the beauty of the day, the blueness of a spring sky, the warming burn of the summer’s sun, the relieving coolness of a winter’s rain, the soulful majesty of the autumn trees… We meet friends without knowing them, lovers without recognising them, we move past family without seeing them

We get stuck in the past – nursing long by gone woes, wounds and scrapes. We can sometimes carry a chip on our shoulder, or a concealed knife of an old grievance in our pocket. We worry. And while we are at it, we miss the new world created all around us, in every minute of every day.

Sometimes we live in the future. We get sucked into day dreams, for hours on end. Or sometimes those are nightmares. We promise ourselves that once we are thin enough, healthy enough, beautiful enough, educated enough, rich enough, nice enough… Then, we’ll have our dream job, our perfect partner, the family we’ve always wanted. Then, we can finally be happy. It can finally be enough.

In this meditation, I invite you to step into the here and now of your present moment. Find joy in the people, the things, the feelings, the thoughts that you do have. And be grateful for their mere existence. And your own.